Valuable insights into the financial world from our experts.
Preparing for the Next Cycle
20 April, 2023
In his Q1 update, Wayne Gillespie discusses the potential impact of the U.S. banking situation on the markets and how Counsel's Portfolio Managment Team is preparing for the next cycle. “Investors should look at the coming months as investment opportunities...
Global Financial Crises? A Volatile Start to 2023
28 March, 2023
When things move as rapidly as they have done over the past month, it’s often difficult to see the forest for the trees. Whether the recent relative calm marks the end of the turmoil, or a temporary pause amid a deepening crisis, will depend on the answers...
Invest Smarter with a Dollar Cost Averaging Strategy
09 March, 2023
Time in the Market is More Important than Timing the Market Investing can be an emotional process, especially if you try to time the market. The “what ifs” can be overwhelming, leading to missed opportunities in the market. A strategy that can help you...
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